
The vaccine holocaust is America’s CHERNOBYL… but USA leaders are committing even MORE deaths and deeper EVIL than former Soviet Union officials

(Natural News) The 1986 nuclear accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power facility — located in modern-day Ukraine which was at that time part of the Soviet Union — killed an estimated 50 people from acute radiation poisoning, possibly another 9,000 from thyroid poisoning due to radiation, and an estimated 125,000 additional people whose lives were shortened due to cancer caused by radiation fallout. (That 125,000 number was released by the Govt. of Ukraine, years later.)

The extreme arrogance and corruption of the USSR in the 1980s fed right into the cover-up and government denial of the nuclear disaster even as it was taking place. The cover-ups continued for days, even weeks, as government lies subjected its own citizens to deadly radiation that could have easily been avoided if only the truth were acknowledged.

The ultimate price was thousands of lives lost while the corrupt bureaucrats of the USSR covered their backs and silenced truth-tellers.

Yet despite the horror of the Chernobyl disaster, it’s tiny compared to the criminal acts of the U.S. government in 2020 – 2022, where now over a million Americans have been killed by a biological weapon that the government funded (NIH, NIAID, Fauci) and handed over to America’s enemies (CCP-run labs in China) to be deployed against the American people. (See SpikeProtein.news for more coverage of the bioweapons development, funded by Fauci, the NIH and US taxpayers via government corruption.)

Even more horrifically, the US government then rolled out a dangerous, fast-tracked spike protein “vaccine” — actually an engineered gene therapy concoction that causes vascular and neurological destruction — then attempted to force it on the entire country. Reasonable estimates now put the number of vaccine deaths in the USA at over 800,000 and climbing. (That’s 20,000+ from VAERS multiplied by a conservative URF of 40. URF stands for Under Reporting Factor.)


While the former USSR was driven by simple corruption, incompetence and greed, today’s USA is run by child-raping demons who desire to literally carry out genocide against their own people. The flagship newspaper of the nation — USA Today — openly calls for pedophilia and having all children taken away from parents to be raised by the state. Remember the song by Sting in the 1980s, “I hope the Russians love their children, too?” Little did Sting know the America leaders want to RAPE their children. If we had a new song in 2022, we’d have to call it, “I hope the Russians don’t want to RAPE their children like the American leaders do.”

The USSR’s Chernobyl disaster was a mistake, but America’s vaccine holocaust is DELIBERATE murder

As evil and corrupt as the former USSR once was, they never tried to mass murder their entire population, and they never called for their own citizens to rape and sexually abuse their own children. No, that claim belongs to USA Today, the mouthpiece of America, and there wasn’t even a single mainstream newspaper that condemned the pro-pedophilia editorials.

For the Chernobyl disaster itself, no one has ever suggested it was deliberate sabotage by the USSR to expose its own people to a radiological weapon. It was a mistake. But in America today, the corrupt, criminal government tries to force the entire population into being injected with a biological weapon on purpose. This is a holocaust-level crime against humanity.

All this brings us to the astonishing, jaw-dropping conclusion: Today in 2022, we would be far better served by the simple corruption of the 1986 Soviet Union leaders than the nefarious, diabolical anti-human agenda of the regime currently in power in Washington D.C. As corrupt as they were, at least the USSR bureaucrats weren’t lining up their own citizens for injections with deadly biological weapons. They weren’t taking orders directly from Satan. They weren’t advocating mass child rape, and they weren’t at war with God and humanity.

To be clear, I don’t want to live under the tyranny of communism. But neither do I wish to live under genocidal maniacs who pretend to be defending “democracy” while carrying out mass murder under the banner of “science.”

Mass genocide in the name of “science”

By the time America’s attempted mass slaughter of its own people runs its course, there will be millions of Americans dead. In fact, this seems to be the goal of the vaccine rollout, which has been funded and backed by globalist depopulation pushers who see the human race as expendable insects to be exterminated in order to “save the planet.”

So “science” is rolled out to convince people to line up and commit medically-assisted suicide, all while the pharma-controlled media lies to the people and falsely says the vaccine is safe, effective and FDA-approved. None of those claims is true. They’re all lies, just as the USSR lied and initially said there was no radiation coming from Chernobyl.

The USSR deactivated the radiation sensors in order to avoid acknowledging the readings. In the same way today, the corporate media, Fauci, the White House and science journals systematically censor all scientific findings that show vaccines to be dangerous or deadly. It’s all about silencing the evidence in order to extend the fraud a little bit longer (and mass murder more people).

In 1986, the radiation cloud from Chernobyl eventually swept westward across Europe, lighting up other radiation detection devices at the universities and science centers of western nations. At some point, the signals could no longer be ignored.

Similarly, in America today, life insurance companies are sounding the alarm over 40% – 50% increases in total mortality, even among healthy, relatively young age groups. This signal is much like the radiation cloud from Chernobyl: The signature is unmistakable and cannot be easily dismissed.

69 million Americans to be slaughtered by the Biden regime?

According to the CDC, over 200 million Americans are now “fully vaccinated,” meaning they’ve taken at least two doses. By our estimates based on increased mortality, spike protein damage to chromosomal repair mechanisms, vascular damage statistics (such as myocarditis having a 56% fatality rate in five years) and other factors, it looks likely that one-third of fully vaccinated Americans will die over the next decade from vaccine-related fatalities.

If this holds true, it means that if vaccines are halted right now, over 69 millions will be killed by the vaccines between 2022 and 2032. Those deaths will be attributed to cancers, heart attacks, strokes, etc., but the real cause will be covid vaccines.

This would obviously dwarf the Chernobyl fiasco by orders of magnitude, and it would make the U.S. leaders high scorers in the history of genocide and crimes against humanity. Adolf Hitler killed 20 million Russians in World War II, but even Adolf wasn’t trying to mass murder his own German citizens. If these vaccine deaths play out as we fear, the USA will mass murder at least 69 million of its own citizens, fulfilling a vaccine holocaust ten times larger than the Nazi Holocaust of World War II.

That makes Biden worse than Hitler, quite literally. But Biden isn’t even running Biden, so we know it’s actually the demon puppetmasters behind him (Obama, obviously) who are calling the shots. Biden is just the cognitively impaired placeholder for the anti-human DEMONcrats who are really in charge (and who hate humanity).

Chernobyl was a tiny blip on the radar compared to what we’re enduring right now, under the tyrannical Biden regime and its cabal of Josef Mengele “science” atrocity pushers like Fauci.

Get the rest of the story in today’s Situation Update podcast:


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国民の違和感は9割正しい by 堤未果(とても良い本でしたので、まとめさせていただきました)

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